Little Story of Mallorca Cathedral by Gabriel Janer Manila

  • Publisher Mediterrània
  • ISBN 978-84-9979-231-6
  • Year 2013

Book selected as part of ‘Majorca Cathedral’ selection of Gran Meliá Victoria library.

This little story aimed at children tells the story through the centuries the cathedral of Mallorca, with Gabriel Janer Manila texts and illustrations in full color Pilarín Bayés.

About Majorca Cathedral: The construction of Majorca Cathedral, often called La Seu, began in the 13th century. It is a Levantine Gothic-style cathedral (characterised
by using a German-style hall layout) and it has one of the largest rose windows in the world, known as “the Gothic eye”. Its nave is also one of the highest in any European Gothic cathedral.

Library Collection at Gran Melia Victoria