Miró i Pelaires: vint anys després by Lluís Permanyer, Josep Melià, Basilio Baltasar

  • Publisher Galería Pelaires
  • ISBN mkt0002096584
  • Year 1990

Book selected by Frederic Pinya, director and partner of Galería Pelaires for Gran Meliá Victoria library.

Miró i Pelaires: vint anys després: A beatifully illustrated publication of the work of Spanish artist Joan Miró.

Galería Pelaires: Founded in 1969, Galería Pelaires is the first gallery dedicated to contemporary art in Palma de Mallorca. Renowned national and international masters have been exhibited: Miró, Tàpies, Saura, Calder, Motherwell, and Moore among many others.

Library Collection at Gran Melia Victoria