Whereabouts Unknown by Simen J. Helsvig

  • Publisher Hour Editions
  • ISBN 978-87-995824-1-9
  • Year 2013
  • Location Amsterdam

Whereabouts Unknown is a work which originated as a lecture performance. The text takes as its subject a photograph taken by Hollis Frampton of a sculpture made by Carl Andre. But in this case “taken” and “made” are interchangeable, and the two works, the photograph and the sculpture, are one and the same. By way of a discussion of 19th century copyright laws and the figure of the doppelgänger, the essay is an attempt to think along with the contradictions inherent in that particular photograph, which runs through the book in a double gesture of continuity and multiplication. A meditation on a multitemporal instant, it is the writer’s suggestion of how to think photographically.

> Click for more info about this book at Hour Projects website.

*This book was kindly gifted to My Bookcase collection by artists Kristina Bengtsson and Kevin Malcolm (Hour Projects).

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